Mission Statement: ‘Our mission is to create a cleaner, greener, more vibrant Fleetwood, enhancing and developing our community to include sustainability, biodiversity and keen focus on heritage. We hope to restore civic pride within our community not only for the betterment of today but for generations to come. We aim to continue working with schools, community groups, volunteers and residents alike to create a more inspiring environment for all.’

North West in Bloom encourage local communities to improve and care for their local environment through imaginative planting of trees, shrubs, flowers and landscaping, conservation, and recycling projects and also to address the issues that blight our streets such as litter, graffiti and vandalism.

Fleetwood enters this competition annually under the ‘Large Town’ Category and a working group made up of Town Council Officers, Elected Members and Volunteers meet to plan, organise and deliver a spectacular display for residents and visitors to the town to enjoy.

Flowers in fleetwood outside Knott End Ferry

The competition stimulates volunteer work with residents, community groups and schools willing to get involved. Participation promotes a tremendous sense of community and pride in our town, but above all, it is lots of fun!

Flowers on a war memorial in Fleetwood

For further information of how to get involved please contact our Community Engagement and Development Officer (CEDO), Lauren Harrison on:

Tel: 01253 872444
Email: cedo@fleetwoodtowncouncil.org.uk

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