Our Larkholme Avenue Allotments site has 22 plots which each vary in size and rent. As per our allotment rules, they have to be 75% cultivated with the additional 25% space being allotted to the keeping of chickens, erecting a shed or having a seating area for example.
We currently have a waiting list for our allotments with new starters being subject to a 3 months’ trial period. Tenancy at our allotments is solely for residents living within the Parish of Fleetwood.

Please note that there is currently a long waiting list to become a plot holder - the list is managed in date order. If you are currently a named person on our list, it is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your contact details so that we can offer a plot when one becomes available. We require a home address, email address and contact number. Unfortunately, if we are unable to contact you within 14 daysthe offer will be made to the next person on the list and your name will be removed from the list.
Taking care of an allotment requires a lot of commitment, maintenance and hard work - if you feel that you cannot commit to continuous care then please do not apply. New allotment tenants are subject to a trial period of three months.
In order to apply, the applicant must be able to provide the following:
- Photo I.D
- A current Council Tax bill
- A supporting utility bill
- A £20.00 key deposit
- A £30.00 administration fee
If you would like to be on the waiting list for our allotments, please contact our Community Engagement and Development Officer, Lauren Harrison at: cedo@fleetwoodtowncouncil.org.uk.
New waiting list members will need to complete a GDPR form to state that you are happy with us keeping your data on file.